Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My bubble of pain
(repost from May 26, 2005 friendsterblog)

Everything in this world is evanescent.

This is the phrase that relieves my pain. It assures me that hurt, like all else in this world will come to pass and would later on bear no more.
Emotional pain is one of the things I hate the most. Unlike the bruises and scratches that I have acquired over the years, I knew how to treat the wounds. A simple dab of alcohol or mefenamic acid and a minute or two of whimpering, it's treated. Although physical and emotional pain both need time to heal.

Crying is inevitable when you feel pain. It's the greatest source of relief one can call for comfort. That's the thing about emotions, you can't summon them to follow what the mind dictates. It simply breaks out at different times and moments that you can't hardly get a hold of yourself from its intensity.

The day of reckoning will come and help me close this painful chapter in my life. The period when I lied to myself and said that yes, my dad treated us fairly. And just like another bubble in the air, it will burst into a thousand pieces until I can no longer recognize that the small particles were once part of the huge bubble of pain that I carried for a long time.

Last Saturday (April 8, 2006), another blessing has been brought into my life. Jelson and I celebrated 6 years of being together.

Our celebration is different from the past five years because we indeed had a blessing... a house blessing. To answer your question, NO, we are not living together. Not yet though.

We were surrounded by people who loved us, our families. It was a simple and meaningful celebration for us. As Jelson said, it was a preview of our life ahead.

SOME PICS FROM OUR 04-08 event ;)
Start of the blessing... no hair dry for me Ü


Jelson's turn to read...