Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seriously, who has not been hooked to this game?  Released last year by PopCap Games, PLANTS vs ZOMBIES has made everyone in our family addicted.  I spend 2 to 3 hours a day in front of out computer just playing this.  I have finished the adventure games, unlocked all mini-games, and now playing for as many flags as I can in the endless zombies in the survival mode.  Yes, this game has really taken over too much of my time.  As if playing is not enough, I also maintain 3 zen gardens and the tree of wisdom, where you need to give tree food and it would disclose secrets and tips to defeat zombies.  Crazy, isn't it?

It is very interesting to note also that this game was actually made by a guy who wanted to teach his girlfriend how to play Magic: The Gathering. My husband long tried to teach me how to understand playing those cards, but I really never got to understand it.  If you ask me what those deck of cards are, I don't think I'd be able to explain.

Plants vs Zombies (PVZ) is my way of de-stressing.  Unbelievably, the sight of mean looking plants destroying those ugly zombies just appeals to me.

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